The North Shore is known as a pet-friendly area. With miles of hiking trails loved by people and pooches alike, plus numerous pet-friendly restaurants dotted along the shore, it’s a welcoming place for humans and canines alike. However, pets making their first or even their tenth visit to the shore are usually very unfamiliar with their surroundings. Nearby wildlife and other sights and smells may lure them away from their families. Or, startle them and cause them to run off. In the past year, the area has seen numerous reports of lost dogs. Some find their way home or are found shortly after they go missing. Others, like Eden, a Tibetan terrier, and Rowdi, a yellow lab, go missing for much longer.

Luckily, the story of Eden the Tibetan terrier who went missing this summer in the BWCA has a happy ending. After two weeks she was found four miles from where she went missing and was picked up by a group from Michigan who spotted her running in the woods. For Rowdi, the search continues.

Help Find Rowdi

On February 10, 2021, Rowdi’s family was visiting Surfside Resort in Tofte when Rowdi took off into the woods during a bathroom break. Despite the family’s calls and search efforts, Rowdi was nowhere to be found. The family had to return to their home without their beloved dog. In the month and a half since Rowdi’s disappearance, there have been several sightings of him in the areas around Tofte and Lutsen. Despite several volunteer searches and a Facebook page dedicated to finding Rowdi, he is still lost.

We are asking that all guests staying with us this season keep an eye out for a lost yellow lab. Rowdi has been seen mostly around Highway 61 between Tofte and Lutsen. The last sighting of him was a while ago and he may have traveled further during this time. When you check into your property, look around decks and sheds on the property for signs of Rowdi. If you spot Rowdi, please…

DO NOT yell, whistle, or try to chase him.
DO attempt to lure him with food or treats.
DO sit or get low to the ground, down to his level.
DO attach him to a leash or ropes to restrain him if you get close enough.
DO snap a pic and mark the location on your sighting if you are unable to get close enough to leash him.

Call 612-669-8965 or 612-669-8488 to report any sightings of Rowdi to his very worried parents. You can also follow the Rescue Rowdi Facebook Page to see where he has been spotted recently and what areas are currently being focused on for searches.

Keep  Your Pets Safe While Visiting the North Shore

We have learned over the years that even the most well-trained dog can be startled or decide to chase wildlife they haven’t seen before. Dogs can also take off for unknown reasons and not be able to find their way back. For this reason, it has always been Cascade Vacation Rentals’ pet policy that dogs need to be leashed and under the control of a human at all times when outside. Even during potty breaks. This is the best practice to ensure you and your pet have the best vacation possible.

Leashing pets while on hikes in our area’s state parks and along the Superior Hiking Trails is not only recommended, this is a requirement. Try to use a leash that will keep your pet close to you and not a retractable leash. Have an adult or older child holding the leash in case your pet decides to run off. An adult will be able to maintain more control.

What To Do If Your Pet Goes Missing

We also understand that things happen, and sometimes animals get lost. If you become separated from a pet, the first thing you should do is put out their food near your rental should they know how to return to that area. If you are at a state park, report the lost dog to the Visitor’s Center. Then, contact the Cook County Sheriff’s Department at 218-387-3030 and make a report. Finally, head over to Cook County MN Pets: Lost, Found, Escaped Facebook Page and create a lost pet post. The group has many kind locals who are willing to help find lost pets. If you are not re-united with your pet during your stay please contact our office to report your lost dog, we will alert incoming guests to the area to keep an eye out for your dog.