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29 05, 2024

June 2024 Activities and Events

2024-05-29T17:09:07+00:00Events & Holidays, News & Updates|

Summertime on the North Shore is filled with activities, events, festivals, and more to enjoy. Here are your June 2024 Activities and Events to help you better plan your Northwoods vacation. This list is not a complete list of all activities and events. Check out Visit Cook County, Perfect Duluth Day, and Lovin' Lake County for more. Also, check out the Bayfront Festival Park schedule for all events happening on their stage in June. Events in Grand Marais Cook County Market, Every Saturday, 10 am - 2 pm:  The Cook County Market is a small weekly crafters market held in [...]

15 05, 2024

Big Changes in Grand Marais

2024-05-17T15:36:36+00:00News & Updates|

Frequent visitors to Grand Marais will have noticed that this tiny harbor town has seen some changes in recent years. This year will be no different as our guests will quickly realize. From new buildings going up, old buildings going down, and buildings repurposing (temporarily). We previously mentioned one change, the closing of Gunflint Mercantile and the opening of the Lady Superior NA Bottle Shop, but here are the rest of the big changes in Grand Marais that you will see this summer. Goodbye, Old City Hall! Beaver House Bait Shop is the temporary location for the municipal [...]

24 04, 2024

2024 Road Construction Update

2024-05-01T14:24:52+00:00News & Updates|

It's that time of the year again! As we enter the month of May, the entire state braces itself for Road Construction Season! This is your 2024 road construction update outlining only a few projects that will affect your trip to the North Shore this summer. While we will have a few projects in Duluth, overall road construction should not interfere with your actual vacation to the North Shore too much. Definitely nothing like what we have seen in recent years. This year, once you clear Duluth, it should be pretty smooth sailing all the way up the shore [...]

17 04, 2024

Lady Superior Bottle Shop and Harbortown Goods

2024-06-26T17:19:19+00:00Grand Marais, Local Businesses|

Are you enjoying a Sober Summer/Sober January/Sober life? If avoiding alcoholic beverages without sacrificing the social aspect of social drinking, stop in at the area's first non-alcoholic (NA) bottle shop: Lady Superior Bottle Shop. While you are there, check out Harbortown Goods, located in the same storefront. About Lady Superior NA Bottle Shop Lady Superior Bottle Shop is the brainchild of Abby Tofte, owner of The Big Lake, an artsy gift shop located in the same building. Last year, Abby, a sober sister, had the idea to dedicate a small portion of The Big Lake to a [...]

2 01, 2024

Norpine Fat Bike Classic

2024-03-19T15:23:29+00:00Events & Holidays|

Fat bike racing has gained popularity in recent years, which has led to the creation of the Norpine Fat Bike Classic. The race happens annually around the first weekend of January. Experience fat biking on the Norpine Trails in Lutsen. Ride through stands of old-growth cedars on Pisten Bully groomed trails while overlooking Lake Superior- winter riding doesn’t get better than this!History of the Norpine Fat Bike ClassicFat Biking became a popular wintertime activity in Minnesota in the mid 2010s. Although, it has been a pastime much longer in other cold-weather regions of the world. As interest in the activity [...]

18 12, 2023

New Year’s on the North Shore

2024-03-25T16:58:43+00:00Events & Holidays|

From Duluth to Grand Portage and up the Gunflint Trail, there are many events to help you celebrate New Year's on the North Shore! Whether you're looking for live music and dancing or a low-key, romantic dinner. You are sure to find the celebration that will help you start your New Year off right here on the North Shore. Celebrate in Duluth For New Year's on the North Shore, Duluth is the place to be! There are so many events and celebrations, we couldn't possibly list them all! So here are a few highlights to pick from during your [...]

28 11, 2023

Two North Shore Holiday Villages You Cannot Miss!

2024-11-20T15:40:28+00:00Events & Holidays|

December is a festive time on Lake Superior's North Shore. Towns decorate their main streets in lights, Christmas trees go up in town centers, and special events run from Thanksgiving to New Years to help you get into the spirit of the holidays. This year, there are two North Shore Holiday villages you cannot miss! The Duluth Winter Village and the Holiday Harbor Village in Grand Marais. Duluth Winter Village For one weekend only, from December 7-8, the Duluth Entertainment and Convention Center (DECC) hosts an outdoor holiday wonderland! There will be hot beverages and local craft beverages plus, [...]

12 07, 2023

Cathy’s Cove Peregrine Falcons


In early June, two guests walked into the Cascade Vacation Rentals' office with an interesting story. The guests were staying at Cathy's Cove, a small cabin on Lake Superior near Tofte, Minnesota. The cabin has a small cove beach area that is a favorite amongst past guests at Cathy's Cove. Only, these guests were not able to get down to enjoy the cove area. This was due to a falcon suddenly appearing and dive-bombing the guests as they approached the bottom of the staircase leading to the cove. This was unusual. We had not heard about a falcon dive-bombing [...]

28 06, 2023

Fire at Papa Charlie’s

2023-07-06T17:42:57+00:00History, Local Businesses, Lutsen, News & Updates|

While many were enjoying and celebrating a local man's victory at the Lutsen 99er, just a mile away another scene was playing out. Up on the hill at Lutsen Mountains, a fire had started at the beloved Papa Charlie's restaurant and events center. The fire started sometime before 6 am. While crowds were gathering at the nearby golf course for the bike race, fire crews from six area fire departments were rushing towards Lutsen for to try to battle the fire. Many of those called had also volunteered to help at Lutsen 99er Aid Station. Instead, they were battling [...]

27 06, 2023

Local Man Wins the 2023 Lutsen 99er

2023-07-06T17:41:30+00:00Events & Holidays, Lutsen|

A thrilling photo finish brought a victory back to the North Shore in the 2023 Lutsen 99er Gravel Bike Race. A local man wins the 2023 Lutsen 99er. On Saturday, June 24, 2023, at around 7:30 AM, nearly 2,000 racers competed in a series of races known as the Lutsen 99er. The 2023 Lutsen 99er featured four challenging courses: the 99er, the 69er, the 49er, and the 25er. Within those races, 589 racers took on the challenging 99er. A local man, Will Surbaugh, son of Cascade Vacation Rentals' owner Steve Surbaugh, took home the 99er victory in a dramatic [...]

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