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24 03, 2020

Enjoy the Great Outdoors While At Home

2021-09-07T15:36:07+00:00News & Updates|

  Social distancing and entire countries under "shelter in place" orders have resulted in many being stuck inside or with limited areas to move around. Ironically, I started this post a few months ago as a "things to do on a rainy day" post meant for springtime visits to the North Shore. With a bit of tweaking, I'm hoping it will help you pass the time and find little ways to enjoy nature and getting out as much as you can until we're all able to travel and get out as usual. So here are six ways to enjoy [...]

1 01, 2020

William A Irvin Is Moving!

2021-10-06T16:00:23+00:00Duluth, News & Updates|

Note: This is a story from 2018. The William A Irvin has since returned and resumed normal operations. We know where and we know how, but the when is a mystery.  However, soon, the North Shore will witness a historic moment that you may be lucky enough to catch, if you happen to be in the right place at the right time. After more than three decades of mooring in the harbor of Duluth, the SS William A Irvin once again will sail the Great Lakes. Sort of. The move, which will likely happen in the pre-dawn hours on an [...]

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